Your trusted brand when it comes to paint sprayers for the professional.

Electric Airless Sprayer
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QT190 Plus
Electric Airless Sprayer

iQ Series 3 HiCart
Electric Airless Sprayer

iQ Series 3 Carry
Electric Airless Sprayer

Electric Airless Sprayer

Electric Airless Sprayer

3 & 5-stage turbines

QTech Academy
Spray training

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Intelligent precision control allowing incremental changes in pressure. Maintaining operating pressure as low as 500 psi.
2. Efficiency
Getting the job done quicker, with less overspray and maintenance.
3. Performance
Enhancing the quality of finish with one paint sprayer that fits all aspects of work from walls and ceilings to woodwork.

What’s new at QTech

Pneumatic air-assisted airless paint sprayer
Cart or wall mounted pneumatic air-assisted airless paint sprayer supplied ready to use with gravity or suction feed, gun, tip, and hose. Designed specifically for the professional
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QTech QT190 setup

QTech QT290 setup

My QTech QT190 isn’t sucking up the paint

My QTech QT290 isn’t sucking up the paint

Where do I put the QLube in a QTech airless sprayer

Changing the gun filter

How to change the manifold filter on the QTech QT290

Changing the tip seal

QTech5 HVLP setup

Cleaning your HVLP gun
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Make sure that the stream settings are properly selected in "Module General Options -> Content -> Stream Settings".